Data Analysis consists of various Analysis tools which help the auditor to check the data, compare the Audit data with previous year's data and highlight exceptions to carry on further investigations. The auditor will also be able to fix the data if he has been provided the necessary rights.
Verification of Chart of Accounts: The Verification of Chart of Accounts will help to organise the Chart of Accounts in a presentable manner and highlight the exceptions by comparing with the previous year's Chartof Accounts.
Verification of Stock Items: This report will help the auditor to check the available Stock Items and draw attention for the exceptional items such as negative stocks, difference in balances etc by comparing with the previous years Stock Items list.
Verification of Balances: Will help the auditor to check the difference in Opening Balances and Transaction details by highlighting the exceptions.
Analytical procedures: This is a powerful Data Analysis tool which will help the auditor to Compare various Groups/Ledgers/Cost Category/Cost Centres or cross compare these to draw various trends. This report will also provide the variance details among the selected parameters to help the auditors to carry on further investigation.
Pending Documents: By this report the auditor will be able to decide the related areas of investigations and get the necessary pending Bills and Orders closed based on the actual situation.
Statutory Payments: This report will help the auditor to find if the necessary Statutory payments were made on time or not.