A feature essentially developed for people on the move- Remote Edit provides users with the capability to enter, rectify or alter transactions or masters from anywhere. Tally.ERP 9will be enabled to edit transactions and masters from a remote location.
This feature lets users see MIS, Financial or Inventory related information...literally from ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD!! It also helps business owners or sales executives create or amend the classification of master or transactions without actually being present at the business location-a HUGE advantage.
Get your production ticking, get the cash counters ringing
Imagine this typical business scenario: you are on the field collecting orders. Like many traveling executives, you often faced issues of old information or poor connectivity with your office. Transactions were rarely completed in one sweep and delays in the processing of orders were frequent, resulting in unhappy clients and a stressed production floor. Tally.ERP 9 Remote Edit changes your typical work day. No longer do you need to return to your office to enter the orders you collected during the day. All you have to do is log in remotely to your Tally.ERP 9 license. In fact, it's so flexible, you don't even require a Tally.ERP 9 license or even a computer for that matter. If you're at your customer's office, you could use the Tally.ERP 9 license they are running to access your data. If you have a portable computer, you could do it by downloading an Educational license to complete your work...and finally, if you haven't either, just log in from the nearest browsing centre to place the order. With Remote Edit, production starts immediately. Quicker dispatches also mean quicker payments, therefore a healthier cash flow.
Similarly, when collecting outstandings from your clients. Make receipts and issue them instantaneously. Your transactions are complete.
Powerful Benefits of Remote Edit: