Back office and production planning? Get real time demand now!
Promise delivery against an order only after knowing the exact status of minventory; make payments to your suppliers after knowing the collections received; understand market operating price from a specific shop / branch in a city, or receive stock at the branch where it is required - all this is possible with sync after save feature of Data Synchronisation in Tally.ERP 9.
Sync after save in Tally.ERP 9 facilitates business information to be available in real time to all required on saving of a transaction. For example, one of your 'Retail stores' can book sales-status of reduced inventory in the store is available immediately to HO. Head office can reorder material based on this data received from branches/retail outlets.
Your business does not have to wait for end-of-day data transfer between head office and other branches; you can set the synchronisation to happen each time a user at your branch office ‘saves’ a transaction for instantaneous update. This helps you to plan your back office operations and production based on real time demand. This real time update happens without any manual intervention.
Head Office