Many businesses require that their IT business solution support languages other than English. This is required for billing in localised areas, purchase orders & statements to non-English suppliers, government & other local bodies.
Several real life challenges limit the use of multiple languages: from product support, to use of the keyboard, multiple users and simultaneous use of many languages by different users for different audiences.
Tally.ERP 9 builds upon the internal languages supported by the Windows ® Operating System to deliver the Worlds only concurrent multi-lingual business solution.
Activated with a simple key combination, the current language changes for data entry, report display or during print! Data entry is eased using Transliteration capabilities, eliminating the need for the user to know how to write in that language. There is also no need to buy a regional keyboard - however there is also support for those familiar with Phonetic keyboards. Different users in a single office can set different languages as their language of choice.
The languages currently supported are Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Melayu, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and English (UK).
When extending or customising Tally.ERP 9, our partners can add specific capabilities, like printing a disclaimer or notice in a specific language.