You can comprehensively record all types of inventory transactions, using goods receipt notes, delivery notes, stock journals, manufacturing journals and physical stock journals. All stock movements are fully recorded and maintained in stock registers.
Developed for all manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers or traders a small list of features are briefly described below:
Distributors & Wholesalers:
Integrated/Non-integrated accounting and inventory: With Tally.ERP 9, you have the option to choose closing stock balance from inventory records or from stock ledger account.
If accounts are not integrated with inventory, you can enter the closing stock value manually by creating Stock ledger account. This option has a significant effect on the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account. If set to Yes, it extracts the stock/inventory balance figures from the inventory records and provides a drill down to the Stock registers from the Balance Sheet.
If set to No, it ignores the inventory books figures and picks up the manually entered closing stock balances from the ledger account created. This facilitates the maintaining of accounts and inventory separately.
Stock records often contain compensating errors caused by wrong allocation to items. This feature enables finalisation of financial books without waiting for the reconciliation of stocks.