As practiced in retailing, franchising offers franchisees the advantage of starting up quickly based on a proven trademark, and the tooling and infrastructure as opposed to developing them.
the standard franchise agreement, working Manual and working capital requirements,
track-record of operations, and ample ability to supply materials, and
long-term operational guidance.( provided by us )
the franchise agreement must have a minimum 1 year term
The franchisor will be liable for certain actions of its suppliers
Monetary and other penalties apply for infractions of the regulations.
Details of the franchisor’s experience in the franchised business with scope of business
identification of the franchisor’s principal officers
litigation of the franchisor during the past five years
full details about all franchise fees
the amount of a franchisee’s initial investment
a list of the goods or services the franchisor can supply, and the terms of supply
the training franchisees will receive
information about the trademarks,including registration, usage, and litigation
demonstration of the franchisor’s capabilities to provide training and guidance
statistics about existing units, including number, locations, and operational results, and the percentage of franchises that have been terminated; and
an audited financial report and tax information (for an unspecified period of time)
The franchisee’s confidentiality obligations continue indefinitely after termination or expiration of the franchise agreement.
If the franchisee has paid a deposit to the franchisor, it must be refunded on termination of the franchise agreement; and, upon termination, the franchisee is prohibited from continuing to use the franchisor’s marks.