Shoper 9 POS is a versatile Point of Sale (POS) application to manage all your operations in a retail store or distributor location. The application comes in two flavours – Retail or Distributor and can be installed as required.
While the Retail application is used in a store/showroom selling products/services to customers on cash & carry basis, the Distributor application is used by warehouses/stockists to sell and dispatch goods to retailers on wholesale basis either for cash or on credit. Both have common features and differ only in the target customers they service.
Retail businesses may include a single store or a chain of stores selling different items. In such scenarios, it is possible to use Shoper 9 POS. The application supports major operations of Purchase, Stock, Sales and Bar coding. Master data for items to be transacted, can be entered or imported from other sources. Similarly, sales promotional schemes and discounts can be created.
In a large retail network of stores, the individual POS applications at the stores are controlled by the Shoper 9 HO application.
The main strength of the Shoper 9 POS application is its user friendly billing system. This function ensures that the waiting time at the counters is reduced and customers are serviced quickly. The POS application reduces the amount of data entry work by the use of text files that can be imported into it.
The application's extensive reporting system is useful to the store manager and the retail HO management. The application enables a comprehensive interface with Tally.ERP 9 to post inventory information for the purpose of generating accounting, inventory and statutory reports.
The cash proceeds of sales of items at your stores (both owned & franchisee) are to be remitted periodically to your head office (HO). Shoper 9 provides you with the Franchisee A/c options in the POS application to manage the payment collection and allied processes of your stores. Using this option your stores could make regular payments to HO. You can record franchisee, bank, and general details and also generate reports on outstanding amounts to HO. The option allows you to print pay-in-slips which are the proof of remittances to HO.